Latest News

FareShare no longer supported

FareShare software is no longer supported. This service is now being replaced by Tuari. Please visit for more information.

Packing Lists

We’ve upgraded the packing list feature. Instead of selecting all the individual orders want in your packing list, you can now specify a date range. All orders due to be delivered in that range will be added to your packing list. No more clicking on those checkboxes, but you still can if you want! There …

Email Upgrades

We’ve just released some major changes to our email system. You’ll now notice that emails look better and have more information than before. We hope you like these changes. Also, you’ll now be able to properly unsubscribe from receiving emails. You will see a new unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email. Next to …

April Updates

We’ve delivered some major improvements today, though you probably won’t notice much as a user. We have completed a major upgrade of some server components which ensures that FareShare is up-to-date and will continue to be so as new updates are available. This upgrade will result in improved performance for most functions throughout FareShare. We …

Recurring Orders

We’ve just deployed a brand new feature to FareShare: Recurring Orders! Click for more details…

December Updates

We’ve deployed some pretty major changes this month! Customisable member fields and debt limits! Check them out!

November Updates

New features added: Improved Upcoming Events page, Improved Login! Read more…

Blogging FareShare Updates

Seeing co-ops using FareShare and hearing your feedback about the difference it is making to your co-opping, warms our hearts! The more late night / Sunday arvo time we can save you, from your computer, the better!  We are constantly working on updates to our current features, and building new ones. From now on we’ll …

October Updates

We’ve added the ability to email suppliers direct from within FareShare and keep them archived! Read more…

September Updates

Some new features: in-app tutorials, and the ability to send support requests to us via FareShare! Read on…